Consistent website help is difficult to find. Many website owners have difficulties finding long term help as website developers can be flaky, and disappear soon after the website is done. When the inevitable problems crop up around the website most are left looking for someone else to help out. WP Tangerine focuses on maintenance rather then development which means they are still here long after the competition has disappeared. Our review of WP Tangerine’s service has proven them to be reliable and very affordable.
We approached them asking them to build and maintain a food blog for a fellow reader. The website was built within a week, and they walked her through the basics of how to write new articles, upload pictures, and how to track website traffic. It’s been two months so far and our reader has added several new features to the website including an option to allow readers be emailed every time a new article is added.
There are many options for web development help and most make the mistake of assuming that after the website is finished there will be no need for additional help. Unfortunately websites are never really done, as there will always be more to do. Most of this work is rather mundane, but still very important such as security updates. Other common changes are minor and can often be done through the WordPress GUI without needing to involve the developer, but it can be very helpful to have someone to ask for help or advice whenever you need it.