Our Tilden Tasks review came to the conclusion that they are a solid WordPress company. They help people maintain their WordPress websites at an affordable rate. One of the biggest advantages of using them is the fact that they outsource their work overseas saving you plenty of money. They can help with support, design, advice, development, etc.

Tilden Tasks is really helpful when it comes to design and development. I can create a basic site and then ask them to help me spice it up. They will review my site for typos, mixed pages, updates that need to be made, etc. Whenever I have issues with the site or can’t figure out how to alter something, they will step in and help fix it for me; they also teach me what they are doing so I know how to fix it by myself the next time it happens.

It’s really nice that I can rely on them when I need to! I submit things daily, and they take care of everything. I would definitely recommend the Pro over the Basic. You get so many more features that you might not consider helpful until you really need them. They will give you site improvement suggestions, backup and restore if you need it, will give you unlimited graphics and design tasks (which you do not get when you just have the basic), and much more.

On the Tilden Tasks website, they have a blog area which is really interesting to read and really helpful as well. People can post reviews about things that are happening, tips on how to make your website better, etc. They will tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to your website, your advertising, and you business. They want you to reach your goals, which is something I admire about this company!

I would suggest this company to anybody that is needing help with their website! If you are not sure, you can go to their website and start with a free expert website review. They will look over your current website and give you feedback on what works and what could be better. It is extremely helpful to get an outside opinion. If you try them out, send us an email with your own Tilden Tasks review, and we will post it below.